My initial inspiration for tackling this research project originated form an unfortunate incident in which approximately 300 of the mealworms I had bought for my lizard suffocated to death. Stiff and black in color, the mealworms had died due to lack of air circulation and poor humidity control. So, I decided to fix this problem by designing a model that would allow for easier mealworm management.
However, the more research I did for my model, the more I realized my final design could be utilized for purposes other than simply keeping my mealworms alive. I began by analyzing pre-existing models to see where I could both improve upon existing features through modifications and add to the design’s functionality.
Although the first model’s design allowed the user to clearly observe the mealworms throughout all four stages of their lifespans, the design was only able to contain a limited number of mealworms.
The second design, on the other hand, had a stacking feature that allowed the product to contain more mealworms, creating a more sustainable cycle. However, the design made it difficult for the user to observe the worms clearly, therefore making it difficult for the user to modify conditions as needed.
Analysis & Takeaways
Both designs contained user- and mealworm-friendly features that I plan to utilize in my own design, as well as various features that I will improve upon. Specifically, I will automate internal humidity and temperature control while also adding features that will allow the user to adjust and modify the product according to their specific needs.